Tripp County South Dakota Democrats

Democratic news and views from the Democratic Party organization in Tripp County, South Dakota. Posting by individuals here may or may not be positions of the local Democratic Party, The SD Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee or any other Democratic organization or official. Comments welcome.

Monday, May 24, 2004

**I What is wrong with South Dakota?

Another blogger titled a discussion "Banging head againist a Wall". He was both irate and in wonder of how South Dakota could have a poll showing support for Bush and his oil war of something like 67% and opposition in the area of 33% while the US total results were nearly the opposite.

What is wrong in South Dakota? Why do voters here keep shooting themselves in one foot on election and then doing it in the other foot the next election by voting and supporting Republicans and the Republican party which never does anything for farmers, low income citizens, education, or health care without kicking and screaming; but, is willing to build prisons and jails to put a grossly high percentage of our population into prisons and jails which do nothing but breed resentment and ever upward costs of incarceration? What is wrong in South Dakota?

Got an answer. Let us know.


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