**Todd Epp Frustrated. Registers Independent.
This is one of the reasons why I am a newly minted Independent. When you have a media campaign, make sure your website works. The Republicans seem to remember this important safety tip, the Democrats don’t. The Democrats are probably too busy singing “Kumbya” and trying to feel good about themselves. Oh, and working on that “ten year plan.” (Whereby losing the next FIVE election cycles in South Dakota is apparently okey dokey.) The website? Oh, the website! We’ll get to that. Never mind that people might see the URL on the billboard and want to donate money to support the cause. Typical Democrat lack of follow through. The fact that no one from the group has seen or responded to the messages in this forum should also be a red (or is it a white?) flag. Wow. Incredible. No wonder SD GOPpers kick SD Donk bee-hind. Sad. Truly sad.
Comment by Todd Epp at Mt. Blogmore— 8/16/2005 @ 8:25 pm
There are days when the pink tutu timid tendences of the SD Democratic Party make me want to wash my hands of the whole thing. But, I don't see independents making much difference in the real world and I see nothing whatsoever attractive about the SD Republican Party and the National GOP now filled with NeoCon hypocrites and liars is enough to make me want to vomit.
But, the nearly pitiful waffling and gutlessness of the SD Democratic Party in the face of egregious GOP behavior begging for merciless rebuttal, blasting and chain pulling drives volunteers and those committed to real and realistic change away from actual party work.
Political parties that run only on paid staff and have a top-down management system lose touch with their key supporters. They will certainly lose them in droves if that top "management" hasn't a clue of what distinguishes them and their party from the Republican party.
[Opinion from Doug Wiken and not an official publication approved or supported by any official Democratic organization. Comments from Tripp County Democrats are welcome.
PS: Tripp County Democrats will meet tonight 8PM CDT Wednesday August 17, 2005, at the home of County Chairman Roger Wonnenberg. Lowdon Heller has noted that add ons to blog posts should be labeld "BS" rather than "PS"..but this meeting notice is no "BS".