Tripp County South Dakota Democrats

Democratic news and views from the Democratic Party organization in Tripp County, South Dakota. Posting by individuals here may or may not be positions of the local Democratic Party, The SD Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee or any other Democratic organization or official. Comments welcome.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Matt Varilek, Julie Bartling, Billy Sutton August 24. 2012

Tripp County residents will have a chance to meet Matt Varilek perhaps for the first time, and perhaps get re-acquainted again with Julie Bartling and Billy Sutton.

Open House Meeting Today August 24, 2012 at Sargent's Cafe (Former VFW Club) just off Winner, SD Main Street.

Matt Varilek debated Krazy Kristi at Mitchell, SD a couple days ago. Perhaps more on that later after the open house today. ---- Doug Wiken

Friday, August 17, 2012

Regular Meeting-- August 16, 2012 ..Gary Coleman Candidate

We are approaching another election, and since some candidates are visiting the Tripp County Democrats, meetings are a bit larger and more interesting too.

This evening, District 21 House candidate Gary Coleman wisited. Coleman lives in Dante, SD. The reorganization in the last legislative session has changed district lines.

Coleman is a retired teacher. He taught elementary students for 20 years and is a very capable advocate for education at all levels. He realizes the critical importance of education to economic and social development.

Take a look at Gary Coleman's campaign blog here: Http://