Tripp County South Dakota Democrats

Democratic news and views from the Democratic Party organization in Tripp County, South Dakota. Posting by individuals here may or may not be positions of the local Democratic Party, The SD Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee or any other Democratic organization or official. Comments welcome.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

***Democratic Legislators Blather...and then....

After the Bill Janklow reign as SD Governor, any other governor might look good to some Democratic state legislators. At the start of a new legislative session right after Janklow was out of the governor's office, new GOP governor Mike Rounds looked pretty good to them and a few of the Democratic legislators were stupid enough or naive enough to publicly state how wonderful Rounds was. They were just unable to say something like, "He does not seem as terrible as Janklow, but we can wait and see what he does."

So, with Democratic legislators mindlessly helping, Rounds built up his "nice guy" image despite pushing regressive Republican social policies, fundamentalist theocratic religious biases, etc. But, I now hope those Democratic blathermouths are having trouble sleeping. Their inability to keep their mouths shut has created another GOP monster... or at least a smooth-talking mini-monster.

Rounds is now in oily TV ads attacking Democratic candidate Stephanie Herseth for the US House to replace Janklow. Rounds is slandering Herseth in the nicest way in his support of Diedrich for Congress. The content of the ad is the responsibility of a national GOP organization according to the disclaimer. So, Rounds is spouting the RNC attack lines oozing all the sincerity of a real estate agent selling the Brooklyn Bridge.

Give Rounds no slack in the future. He is just another Republican hack. No sense helping dress another naked GOP emperor with new robes. No sense advancing his career. Both he and Diedrich are parts of the "Janklow right or wrong" for all those years. They carried water for the whining tyrant and then looked back at the imbalance between legislature and executive with alarm.

Let the Democratic legislators know that we don't need any more of their endorsements of Mike Rounds. South Dakota does not need another Janklow. In fact, South Dakota does not need another Republican in any office of any kind in the state. They have been a pox on real progress and nothing I see suggests they will do one bit better in the future.


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