***GOP TV ads for Diedrich Just Plain Dumb
These ads feature smooth-talking GOP governor Mike Rounds oozing all the sincerity of a real estate agent selling the Brooklyn Bridge at a special discount price just for you and just in time for the election. Rounds says something like, "We need Larry Diedrich in Congress because the Congress has failed to do something like "lower the cost of drugs and Washington thus needs Diedrich". Rounds' oily sincerity aside, that makes no sense for a Republican to say in an ad sponsored by those same Republicans.. Diedrich has as far as I know never given any indication he would demonstrate any courage whatsoever in a conflict between himself and a GOP executive or a powerful wrong-headed wing of the GOP.
And, guess who has been controlling that congress and guess which party has its very own dolt in the White House. If you have been living in a cave somewhere in the Black Hills, it is the ...drum roll...The "Taliban" Republicans... The radical fundamentalist. theocrats of the right bent on imposing an anti-constitutional repressive government in the US and hell-bent on restricting freedoms and imposing religious dogma on the whole population.. The same dudes in bed with the big drug companies and taking millions of campaign ads from them and their associates.
Incidentally, Senator Tim Johnson correctly labeled the congressional wingnut right GOP as being much like a "Taliban" wing. He had no reason to apologize in anyway for that comment. He had them tagged correctly in a moment of gutsy integrity and honesty. Instead of apologizing when Diedrich nearly went into a state of political apoplexy over Johnson's label, Johnson should have gone on the offensive.
Diedrich conveniently leaped to the conclusion that Johnson meant him and all the people who farm and are Republican in South Dakota. Of course that was not what Johnson said or meant. But, instead of apologizing for what he never said, Johnson should have said something like, "If Larry is upset about being associated with the Taliban GOP in Congress, he should disassociate himself from their radical fundamentalism and anti-constitutional theocratic fervor. If he has willingly put himself between a rock and a hard spot, it is up to him to get himself out of that tarpit."
Well, tomorrow we vote. I hope South Dakota rejects the outright lies and intentional or unintentional distortions of logic and reality spewed out again and again by the crony-capitalist and theocratic wings of the GOP.