Tripp County South Dakota Democrats

Democratic news and views from the Democratic Party organization in Tripp County, South Dakota. Posting by individuals here may or may not be positions of the local Democratic Party, The SD Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee or any other Democratic organization or official. Comments welcome.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Henry Waxman Documents Bush Lies on Iraq

Found at Jeffrey Richard's blog on the emperor with no clothes
Strip the Emperor Blog

A site from Rep. Henry Waxman. Go from here to the pdf file
that contains records documenting the Bush lies on Iraq.
Henry Waxman Documents

which documents the over 100 lies or distortions on the record of
Bush administration lies about Iraq.

The mainstream corporate press may want favors from the Bush administration and most likely will fail to cover much of anything negative about Bush as long as the crony capitalist branch of the media still seeks more mergers and tax breaks. Henry Waxman knows he won't get any favors from the Bush administration.


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