Tripp County South Dakota Democrats

Democratic news and views from the Democratic Party organization in Tripp County, South Dakota. Posting by individuals here may or may not be positions of the local Democratic Party, The SD Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee or any other Democratic organization or official. Comments welcome.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Meeting Notice--September 16, 2004

Tripp County Democrats will have a regular meeting Thursday, September 16, 2004 8PM at
the Tripp County Courthouse.

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see a larger image.

Only about 50 days until the election. Many commentators are suggesting this may be one of the most important elections. Thoughtful Democrats see the Bush administration as a threat to fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. Bush Borrow and squander policies threaten financial stability of non-governmental enterprise. His shortsighted policies will burden our children or grandchildren with a huge debt to be repaid or which will further inflate prices and reduce wages.

Sen. Kerry finally hit the right message when he said the "W" in George W. Bush was for "WRONG". Let me also suggest it is for "WASTE". Bush programs are not working. His neo-con policies may in fact be making many problems worse instead of better. A "war" on terrorism that doesn't work is a war forever. Continuous "war" is a wonderful distraction and cover for a completely incompetent President.

Not only should we ask if we are better off after four years of the Bush Thug administration, but we should be asking if we can afford to keep wasting resources on crony capitalist dreams and nightmares for another four years.

I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that the USA as a country we have loved is at risk of becoming a country that will be nearly universally despised and not even trusted by those of us who are ordinary citizens if we allow four more years of Bush Administration mismanagement.

Please request that Senator Daschle do what he can to get Sen. Kerry into South Dakota with Hillary Clinton and Senator Kennedy to respond to the attacks the GOP 527 slime merchants are dumping into South Dakota via TV, radio and newspaper ads. This is not a time for turning the other cheek.

After all that, Don't forget to get to the meeting in three days.

[Meeting notice posted by D. Wiken as per request by Roger W. Additional comments are not approved by Roger however. You can take part in discussions here by clicking on "Comments" at end of this post.]


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